
AfterreturningtoanepisodicvideogameformatinJune2014,RedThreadGamesreleasedBookOne,Reborn,asthefirstepisodeofChapterson21October2014.,BookOne:RebornisthefirstpartofDreamfallChapters,whichwasannouncedforOctober21st,2014.Aftersomecriticalbugswereencounteredonrelease ...,ExpandingonthesagaofTheLongestJourneyandDreamfall,DreamfallChaptersisanepisodicadventuregameaboutchoiceandconsequence,aboutdream...

Dreamfall Chapters

After returning to an episodic video game format in June 2014, Red Thread Games released Book One, Reborn, as the first episode of Chapters on 21 October 2014.

Book One: Reborn | TLJwiki

Book One: Reborn is the first part of Dreamfall Chapters, which was announced for October 21st, 2014. After some critical bugs were encountered on release ...

Dreamfall Chapters: Book One

Expanding on the saga of The Longest Journey and Dreamfall, Dreamfall Chapters is an episodic adventure game about choice and consequence, about dreams and ...

Dreamfall Chapters Book One

Great introduction to a very immersive and addicting adventure game. The art is beautiful and there are lots of details to find and reflect on to understand ...

Let's Play Dreamfall Chapters Books One, Two, Three ...

2016年8月13日 — Mental Fox's Let's Play of Dreamfall Chapters Book One: Reborn, Book Two: Rebels, Book Three: Realms, Book Four: Revelations, and Book Five: ...